Connect with a System Designer for a free in-home consultation.


Call: 215-368-8343

Control Everything In Your Home

Lights, shades, thermostat, media player, home entertainment, security, cameras, pool, spa, gates, door locks, the sprinkler system, the works, remotely.  Open/close, up/down, on/off, etc., from anywhere on the planet. If it plugs in, we can control it.

Enterprise-Grade Service & Support

Enterprise-grade networks are designed to work powerfully in a wide variety of environments, and precise configuration by certified engineers is required. We take a product that is infinitely configurable and tailor it specifically for each unique automated home environment.

By activating a Remote Monitoring service plan, you will receive an unparalleled level of support, allowing us to manage, monitor and troubleshoot your network performance remotely. With proactive monitoring, issues are targeted accurately and resolved quickly, reducing site visits and wasted time troubleshooting. With real-time issue alerts, our team efficiently pinpoints problems and solutions before you are aware. We are notified when changes occur that could affect the network connection, speed, or performance. We are able to reboot devices, perform maintenance and firmware upgrades, and more.

Learn more about our Remote Service and SmartCare Plans

Schedule Your Free Consultation

Call us at 215-368-8343

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